37 photos   2516 visits

member since 30 June 2011

Webcam pics

Just look at the webcam and smile!
Just look at the webcam and smile!
Angry girl!<3
Angry girl!<3
Had fun doing our Twitterview Wonderwall. Let's catch up again soon. Here's a random pic of me as pr
Had fun doing our Twitterview Wonderwall. Let's catch up again soon. Here's a random pic of me as pr
Me with my BFF Melyna at webcam
Me with my BFF Melyna at webcam
Peace Guys!<3
Peace Guys!<3
I'll have you guys know... that I opted out of a sour straw, & had a glass of an all natural mango p
I'll have you guys know... that I opted out of a sour straw, & had a glass of an all natural mango p
Me and Adam at webcam
Me and Adam at webcam

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