37 photos   2513 visits

member since 30 June 2011

Me in New Orleans

Landed in New Orleans... Had to take a picture with Louis. This city has such a great energy.
Landed in New Orleans... Had to take a picture with Louis. This city has such a great energy.
Just started exploring in a shop with the most beautiful masks. How cool is this one?
Just started exploring in a shop with the most beautiful masks. How cool is this one?
The Horse Whisperers. I'm now determined to own a horse before I'm 30.
The Horse Whisperers. I'm now determined to own a horse before I'm 30.
This is the face you make when you just bought a new hat you're really excited about. #iwasntposinga
This is the face you make when you just bought a new hat you're really excited about. #iwasntposinga

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